Many people move away for university. Whether it’s one hour or five hours away from your family home, it can be difficult. When moving to a new city, it is completely normal to feel anxious or worried. A lot of people feel it but many are not open to talk about it. Loneliness is a human response to feeling an absence of something. It could include family, friends or even pets.
A study showed that nearly a quarter of students said they felt lonely at university and 18.7% of people were worried about making new friends and meeting new people. There is an expectation that university will be the best years of your life and the friends you make will be your forever friends. It can be mentally overwhelming, which is why it’s important to look after your mental health. But don’t worry – we have some tips from those who have been through it themselves:
How to deal with loneliness at university:
- Get involved in Freshers Week:
The first few weeks of university are called freshers. This is the time to get settled before your classes start. Universities set up freshers fairs on campus to showcase the facilities and societies, as well as daily going out motives at clubs and bars. This is a great way to meet new people and engage in student life. - Join Societies:
It can seem intimidating to enter a room full of people who you don’t know but looking back it will all seem worth it! A study showed that more involvement in student activities has a positive benefit on mental health and wellbeing. Universities have societies for pretty much everything: English Literature, Cheerleading, African Society, etc. You will find something you’re interested in! Society committees usually organise regular outings, this is a great way to explore your new city as well as make new friends outside of your course. - Go to Your Classes and Create Study Groups:
This will be the best way to meet like-minded people. Seminars and workshops are interactive classes that allow you to talk to your peers about the modules, get help, and create study groups. Sometimes it only takes one person to say ‘let’s make a study group’ or ‘I don’t understand this, can you help me?’ to form friendships. -
Don’t Put Pressure on It!
It’s easier to say ‘put yourself out there’ or ‘talk to people’ than to actually do it but sometimes you’ll meet people in the most random places! So, if you’re in your second week at uni and wondering why you haven’t made any friends yet, it’s okay and completely normal. Everyone is in the same boat. -
Become Your Own Best Friend:
Nobody knows you like you! You can find hobbies or things to do alone, whether it’s listening to podcasts while going on a long walk, window shopping, or decorating your accommodation just the way you want. This is the time to change your lifestyle and do the things you’ve always wanted to do. Whether it’s starting yoga or cooking lessons, this is the time for you to explore your independence.
Think back to when you started secondary school, or even primary school. You probably didn’t know anyone but you still managed to find your people. You are the centre of your existence, so don’t worry about the pressure of societal expectations. As long as you look after yourself and mental wellbeing, everything else will follow.
If you’re feeling low or lost, Heal Hub has lots of resources and support to help you through it. Check out the rest of our website for more information.
Written by Nuvreet Uppal
For Lyfeproof UK